Many categories which include soundboards from tv shows like Netflix and Disney. Includes the original and re-recorded "Duke Talk" by the voice of Duke Nukem, John St. Keep up to date with the latest news from the world leader in visual computing. He’s the voice of the iconic action hero parody protagonist Duke Nukem, and has been reading all sorts of wacky Duke quotes for quite some time now. Feel free to explore and incase you are lost, our nice and helpful staff is right there for you.

We can now just play on Easy since we already have the cheats unlocked. The file is uploaded back to the web server, which stores it and sends a notification email if an email address was provided. What had been funny and edgy back in the 90s felt tone-deaf and stupid. The Duke Nukem spin-off called Bombshell will be releasing later this month, though now we are finally getting a taste of what the game’s villain is like.